bkf = fresh blueberry chill oats, okura, sunny side up, yogurt topped with Chia seed and dried golden berry
Tag: diet
bkf = tofu with umeboshi plum paste, cole slaw..
bkf = tofu with umeboshi plum paste, cole slaw, soy milk yogurt, matcha Adzuki bread plus grape
bkf = Southern style corn grits, grilled Kamo Nasu eggplant..
bkf = Southern style corn grits, grilled Kamo Nasu eggplant with miso, yose tofu and soy yogurt topped with Chia … More
bkf = tofu hamburger with petite tomato, old fashioned doughnuts..
bkf = tofu hamburger with petite tomato, old fashioned doughnuts and soy yogurt topped with mixed nuts
bkf = coppa salami open sandwiches..
bkf = coppa salami open sandwiches, yogurt topped with canned Amanatsu citrus plus coffee
bkf = rice flour omelette, baked potato with Shungiku green..
bkf = rice flour omelette, baked potato with Shungiku green, yogurt with Orin apple plus coffee
bkf = dipping Ramen noodle, ham with green..
bkf = dipping Ramen noodle, ham with green, yogurt topped with canned pineapple
bkf = tomato omelette, sweet potato Adzuki bean loaf..
bkf = tomato omelette, sweet potato Adzuki bean loaf, raisin bread, yogurt topped with Chia seed and almond
bkf = egg tomato sandwiches, lotus root soup..
bkf = egg tomato sandwiches, lotus root soup, yogurt topped with cherry jam
bkf = biscuits, baked potato, sausage, corn chowder..
bkf = biscuits, baked potato, sausage, corn chowder and slice of fresh Andes melon
bkf = bagle with raisin cream cheese, mini tomatoes..
bkf = bagle with raisin cream cheese, mini tomatoes, honey roasted peanuts, soy milk yogurt with fresh Orin apple plus … More
bkf = homemade scorn, sausage..
bkf = homemade scorn, sausage, marinated onion, Biwa loquat plus tea
bkf = pancake on curry stew.. BREAKFAST
bkf = pancake on curry stew, yogurt with apple and coffee BREAKFAST
bkf = walnuts raisin roll, bean salad..
bkf = walnuts raisin roll, bean salad, Atsu-age fried tofu, broccoli soy milk soup, yogurt topped with strawberry and Chia … More