bkf = scrambled egg sandwiches, Hiratake mushroom potato chowder and coco yogurt with fresh strawberry visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
Tag: diet
bkf = Rosti topped bread, tofu..
bkf = Rosti topped bread, tofu, green sald, Hassaku orange topped yogurt and soy cappuccino visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3242.945605763067!2d139.65406015022918!3d35.629067440342475!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6018f48eb822ca45%3A0xdb52fe8e0d876b25!2z44Kw44Or44O844OI44Oz!5e0!3m2!1sja!2sjp!4v1522488003158&w=600&h=450] visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bakery to take out
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d3242.945605763067!2d139.65406015022918!3d35.629067440342475!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x6018f48eb822ca45%3A0xdb52fe8e0d876b25!2z44Kw44Or44O844OI44Oz!5e0!3m2!1sja!2sjp!4v1522488003158&w=600&h=450] visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = marble bread, tofu topped with dried squid flake..
bkf = marble bread, tofu topped with dried squid, minestrone, green salad, yogurt topped with fresh strawberry plus coffee visit … More
bkf = English muffins, potato chowder..
bkf = English muffins, potato chowder, sausage, sauteed spinach and corn, fresh mini tomato, yogurt topped with strawberry visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
products from Yamagata
visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = Gaprao rice, Enoki mushroom corn soup..
bkf = Gaprao rice, Enoki mushroom corn soup, mixed bean with Mozuku seaweed salad visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = coffee doughnts, Sasakama fish cake with carrot and peas..
bkf = coffee doughnts, Sasakama fish cake with carrot and peas, spinach corn chowder, yogurt with fresh kiwi plus tea … More
bkf = pork buns, carrot Yamaimo yam Tohmyo soy sprout salad..
bkf = pork buns, carrot Yamaimo yam Tohmyo soy sprout salad, Daikon radish Hiratake mushroom egg drop soup and yogurt … More
bkf = almond French toast, green salad..
bkf = almond French toast, green salad, ginger milk, yogurt topped with fresh Orin apple and cinnamon visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = curry Udon noodle with fried tofu..
bkf = curry Udon noodle with fried tofu, boiled Komatsuna mustard spinach and yogurt visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = strawberry bread, bean salad..
bkf = strawberry bread, bean salad, yogurt witih walnuts plus tea visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = baked Rosti shredded potato, Shungiku green salad..
bkf = baked Rosti shredded potato, Shungiku green salad tofu, yogurt with fresh Orin apple visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON