lunch = bathing polar bear curry rice and green salad visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
Tag: diet
bkf = 16 grains rice, grated carrot bean salad..
bkf = 16 grains rice, grated carrot bean salad, green salad, Tama Konnyaku, lotus roots miso soup and grated yamaimo … More
bkf = corn bread, Coppa..
bkf = corn bread, Coppa salad, yogurt with tangerine visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = broccoli soup in bread bowl, green salad..
bkf = broccoli soup in bread bowl, green salad, yogurt topped with apple and cinnamon visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = Inari Zushi rice ball, grilled dried sardine..
bkf = Inari Zushi rice ball, grilled dried sardine with spinach, mashed potato and yogurt topped with mango visit my … More
bkf = thick cheese toasat, sausage..
bkf = thick cheese toasat, sausage, green sald, yogurt with apple and Chia seed visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = layered oatmeal pancake with maple syrup..
bkf = layered oatmeal pancake with maple syrup, Namari tuna green salad with sesame dressing, yogurt with Hoshigaki dried persimmon … More
bkf = grilled salmon, apple, cream cheese crêpe…
bkf = grilled salmon, apple, cream cheese crêpe and tea visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
oatmeal muffin out of oven
oatmeal muffin out of oven visit my shop: MATCHAatNOON
bkf = banana topped pancake, broccoli sprout..
bkf = banana topped pancake, broccoli sprout, lactic acid bacteria beverage plus coffee MATCHAatNOON :
bkf = cheese & garlic crack bread, salad..
bkf = cheese & garlic crack bread, salad, lactic acid bacteria beverage I did this following direction on pinterest pin, … More
bkf = grilled salmon, miso soup..
bkf = grilled salmon, miso soup, tofu, broccoli, yogurt with pear and Chia seed