Ume plum sour drink What a nice day! Sunny cozy days we are enjoying these days. Actually, it is one … More
Tag: diet
bkf = white rice cake, Yomogi green rice cake…
bkf = white rice cake, Yomogi green rice cake, root vegetable and oyster miso soup, scrumbled egg and yogurt topped … More
MATCHA at NOON with Sakura cherry blossom shaped rice cracker and Ofuku beans
MATCHA at NOON with Sakura cherry blossom shaped rice cracker and Ofuku beans on Mt. Fuji cotton placemat, which is … More
bkf = oatmeal Cheddar pancake, minestrone..
bkf = oatmeal Cheddar pancake, minestrone..
bkf = toast, rolls, sausage…
bkf = toast, rolls, sausage, mushroom minestrone, Naoshichi citrus jelly plus coffee Naoshichi is a kind of citrus which is … More
bkf = pretzel, oatmeal cream cheese omelette… Nutrition Facts
Click to Enlarge the Nutrition Facts bkf = pretzel, oatmeal cream cheese omelette, mashroom minestrone soup, yogurt topped with dried … More
sakura pink
bkf = Yomogi green muffin, egg drop soup..
bkf = Yomogi green muffin, egg drop soup, yogurt topped with fresh strawberry
Nutrition Facts
This is a part of my post few days ago. I hereby post the same content just because the part … More
bkf =Castella sponge cake, omelette…
bkf =Castella sponge cake, omelette, pot pie soup, yogurt topped with Naoshichi citrus jelly and strawberry
bkf = rye bread, potato puree soup..
bkf = rye bread, potato puree soup, omelette, yogurt topped with tangerine
MATCHA at NOON with Awa-Okoshi rice crispy and orange jelly
MATCHAatNOON MATCHA at NOON with Awa-Okoshi rice crispy and orange jelly on Yagasuri Yomogi Cotton Placemat, which is available on … More
bkf = fig jam sandwiches, curry soup topped with Shungiku green…
bkf = fig jam sandwiches, curry soup topped with Shungiku green and fresh apple
bkf = Yomogi dango rice dumplings soup…
bkf = Yomogi dango rice dumplings soup, olive cheddar omelette and tangerine jello